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Welcome to Guam Conservatory's Blog


Updated: Jun 8, 2021

Some have asked how Guam Conservatory of Arts came about. Here are some highlights.

2019, December. Eugene Bob Bordallo visited family on Guam for the holidays. While on Guam, he shared the concept of a conservatory of arts to a few key local people involved in the music and dance scene. They assessed that Guam could benefit from having a comprehensive performing arts school and that there was definitely a growing demand among the youth for performing arts instruction. When Mr. Bordallo's trip on Guam ended, he returned to New York City vowing to move to Guam 2 months later to begin the project of establishing the conservatory. And then COVID-19 struck, changed everything, and least of all, it delayed Mr. Bordallo's return to Guam.

2020, August. Mr. Bordallo returned to Guam in late July and by August, Guam Conservatory of Arts was incorporated as a non-profit corporation. A search began for a commercial property as a location for the Conservatory's programs and services.

2020, November. Guam Conservatory of Arts received its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service and Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation.

2020, December. Guam artist, John Bermudes designed the official dance logo for Guam Conservatory of Arts.

2121, January. Guam Community College and University of Guam extended their support by availing their matriculated students to the Conservatory as spring semester interns.

2121, May. A commercial property in Barrigada was secured as the Conservatory's home.

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